Somizi Mhlongo reveals he is done attaching himself to worldly things

Somizi Mhlongo reveals he is done attaching himself to worldly things

Somizi Mhlongo reveals he is done attaching himself to worldly things

Somizi Mhlongo has taken to his web-based media to share a video of himself uncovering that he is finished appending himself to common things.

The star expressed the he indiscreet with regards to individuals’ thought process of him and he won’t allow anything to influence him.

In the video he shared, Somizi drilled down into self destruction not being the response.

In the wake of watching a video posted by @fentselite he said he related with the individual who shared his own anecdote about self destruction and his acknowledgment that he didn’t need to pass on yet his conviction framework that he had connected to himself did.

“I’ve likewise connected myself to ‘what exactly do you think about me, imagine a scenario in which I lose my vehicles, my home, imagine a scenario in which I’m destitute once more?’ and I’m setting myself free from that. Assuming something needs to bite the dust today, it isn’t me; it is the conviction framework that I am a result of that large number of things. Those things being vehicles, house, cash, you, your viewpoint, your contemplations, your opinion on me. I’m letting myself out of that jail. I’m isolating myself from that. How lovely.”

Watch the full video here

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