How to identify and deal with fake relatives

Nobody is oblivious to the fact that our relatives are one of our biggest deceivers.

The world might be filled with our well-wishers but our relatives are sure not one of them.

The occasional chivalry with our parents, the subtle hints for financial assistance, the indirect comments about our dressing, are all signs of a fake and opportunist relative.

But, do they occasionally help you with queries and sometimes also take you out with their children?

If you are confused whether your relative is actually a friend or just a crocodile in disguise, read on to find out.

1. Attention seeking

They are always looking for opportunities to catch your parent’s attention or at times, even yours. Attention seeking helps them further their agenda and get what they want. Throwing a tantrum during a wedding or crying about how they are not receiving enough attention during a festivity are their best tactics. So, next time you see a relative all smile and joy when in front of you but bad mouthing you in front of others, know that they are being fake.

2. Sarcastic and cynical

While a relative was allegedly ‘consoling’ you during a bad time, did you ever feel like they were making fun of you? Did you shrug that feeling away thinking that why would they do that to a hurting person? Well, think again. Fake relatives take great joy in your misery and will try to be sarcastic while trying to console you or distract you. So, next time you hear them saying “Oh it’s okay, this is probably not the right thing for you”, with a sly smile on their face, know that they are fake.

3. Inconsistent contact

“Hello sister, how have you been? It’s been so long. How are the kids? Yeah so you see my son just attempted the FET and now we are wishing for the result… I heard that your son is friends with someone from there”.

A conversation like the above is a clear indication of a fake relative, reaching out to you for personal benefits.

If a relative is inconsistent in their communication, only reaching out occasionally or during times when they need something, it could be a sign that their intentions are not genuine.

How to deal with fake relatives – Set boundaries

Establish clear boundaries in your interactions with the fake relative. Limit the information you share with them, both in person and online, to protect yourself from potential manipulation. Important information to not be shared includes financial holdings, promotions, a possible relationship etc.

5. Gradual detachment

While cutting ties once and for all is a difficult process and is often met with societal discontent, it is essential to detach yourself from their company. A fake relative can come in the form of cousins, uncles and even grandparents at times and should be handled with care. Respond to their messages or requests without getting overly involved or emotionally invested.

6. Focus on authentic relationships

To get out of a fake relative’s influence or to fill a void after you detach from them, it is important to invest your time and energy in nurturing relationships with genuine relatives and friends who truly care about you. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help counteract the negative impact of fake relatives and fill your personal life with happy vibes.

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