Eat these 8 foods for guaranteed weight loss

If you’ve been striving to lose weight and haven’t been able to do so, here’s how you can…

Lose weight faster. Even if you are dieting, chances are that you are wondering what to eat, to boost your weight loss.

We select eight foods for you that will help you shed those pounds faster than you’ve thought.

1. Green tea

Caffeine is not a slimming ingredient. Antioxidants called catechins helps speed up your metabolism and fat burning process. Green tea contains antioxidants which boosts your metabolism and helps lose weight. It also leads to a considerable drop in your body mass index (BMI). It also helps lower your LDL cholesterol, which makes you put on weight.

2. Apples

We all know how an apple a day will keep the doctor away, but do you also know that it helps keep fat at bay too? Apples are said to contain four to five grams of fiber per serving, so they are sweet as well as crunchy and keeps you full for a long time. They also contain antioxidants which add essential vitamins and minerals in your body.

3. Bell Peppers

Red, yellow or green – you can choose any, bell peppers contain vitamin C, and gives you the right amount of vitamins. You can have them raw, as a salad or in a bowl of soup.

4. Avocado

Though they are known to be fatty, but you need not worry. Avocados are loaded with fiber and proteins and helps in weight loss. They contain ‘good’ monosaturated fats that keeps you full for a long time.

5. Almond

Did you know that these nuts are packed with the best nutrients and vitamins? Just a handful of almonds will give you the right boost of energy and will also keep hunger pangs at bay. Avoid the ones that are coated with chocolate or salt.

6. Quinoa

If you are craving carbs during your lunch or dinner hours, you can always go in for quinoa. Said to be an alternative for rice, it’s rich in proteins and fiber and is a wonderful food that aids in weight loss.

7. Eggs

If you are having egg whites, you are surely going to lose oodles of weight. They contain proteins and keeps you feeling full for a long time. Thus egg whites are said to be the best choice for breakfast.

8. Cinnamon

Instead of adding sugar to your beverages or meals, try adding a pinch of cinnamon for increased energy and a slower release of insulin in your system. Cinnamon has a sweet taste and is completely guilt-free.

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