4 ways to become Instafamous in South Africa

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4 ways to become Instafamous in South Africa

4 ways to become Instafamous in South Africa

So many people want to be instafamous in South Africa today because of the fame and influence attached to it.

Instagram has become one of the most popular platforms for South Africans to get famous and become influential today.

It’s a very powerful instrument for you to grow from being a nobody to being somebody. We’ve heard stories of people who grew into celebrities with the use of Instagram.

For some people, it took years for them to be instafamous, and for others, it took only a short period of time for them to be instafamous.

In this article, we talk about some of the ways you can get famous on Instagram;

1. Feature in a popular movie: One way you can get instafamous is for you to be a lead character in a popular movie. People who didn’t know you before would be forced to check out your Instagram account after watching the movie, especially if you played a lead role or an interesting character in the movie.

2. Get married to a celebrity or someone influential: Getting married or dating a celebrity is also another way for you to get famous on Instagram. People would want to follow you because you’re dating a celebrity. Dating someone influential is also another way you can get insta-famous.

3. Start a YouTube channel: Having a YouTube channel can make you instafamous especially if you create amazing and interesting content. It can force people to look you up on Instagram and also follow you because they feel your content on Instagram will also be interesting.

4. Allow your content to go viral: This is a very popular way to become well-known in Nigeria today. It’s very easy for you to get famous on Instagram once a popular blog or a celebrity reposts your content. Your followers can go from 1000 to 1000 in weeks when your content goes viral. A good example is the story of the happier boys who became instafamous after gossip mill posted their videos and it went viral.