Busta 929 gets dragged again for being cozy with a teenage student

Busta 929 with another teenager

Busta 929 is in trouble again over another episode with a teenage student.

The Amapiano star has made headlines over the past months, majorly for his involvement with young girls.

He has addressed the issue once by denying the rumors, but it appears he is tired of responding; hence he snubs.

Another photo of the Dj being cozy with a female highschooler with the Tik Tok name “itss_Buhlee.m” surfaces on Twitter, and it attracted critics.

Social media users have called for his arrest, while others mocked him.

“He’s doing what he’s known for and he won’t get into any trouble coz it’s SA most people don’t think what he’s doing is wrong,” a tweep wrote.

The post has over 500 replies.

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