9 tips to make restaurant-style crispy Manchurian

The taste of crunchy Manchurian filled with crispy cabbage and sausage and spices is loved by everyone from children to adults.

These days, hot Manchurian made from corn flour, cabbage and carrots is prepared and eaten at home also. This dish is super easy to make at home, but it is a bit difficult to make it crispy like a restaurant.

Many people complain that Manchurian is made spicy and tasty like in restaurants, but instead of being crispy, it becomes very soft.

So, here are some tips that can come handy while making Crispy Manchurian at home. Take a look.

Tips for making Crispy Manchurian

  • Make Crispy Manchurian with the help of these tips
  • You can take the help of a chopper to chop the cabbage finely. The more finely chopped the cabbage and carrots are, the crispier the Manchurian balls will be.
  • To make Manchurian, you do not have to use water in the prepared cabbage batter. Using water will make the balls wet and will not be crisp.
  • To make Manchurian Veg Balls, always add maida or corn flour to the batter. Corn flour is generally used to add crispness to dishes. Make sure that corn flour should always be used in the ratio of 2:1.
  • You can use rice flour instead of corn flour and flour.
  • Make balls from the batter only in round shape, cracked balls can spoil the taste and sauce and gravy can easily go inside the balls and soften them.
  • Always fry the balls on very hot oil. Dropping the balls in less hot oil will make the balls wet.
  • For extra crispy veg balls, after frying the balls, you can dip them once more in corn flour slurry and fry them, this will make the balls crispy.
  • Never cover the Manchurian balls after frying, otherwise the crispiness will reduce and they will become soggy after coming in contact with the steam.
  • To finely chop carrots and cabbage, after cutting cabbage and carrots into large pieces, grind them in a mixer without adding water. This will give you fine cabbage.

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