Video: Blue Mbombo welcomes baby girl

Video: Blue Mbombo welcomes baby girl

Blue Mbombo welcomes baby girl

Blue Mbombo reports the introduction of her first youngster via web-based entertainment.

The star shared a video uncovering her pregnancy venture and furthermore spread the word about it that she had a characteristic birth through a water-birth.

“Depended and compensated, thank you Father. 9 months in readiness of experiencing passionate feelings for a lifetime . This has been the most satisfying excursion of all time. Really lowered by your effortlessness,” she composed.

Blue says she’s glad for herself as she pushed notwithstanding practically surrendering; she additionally said thanks to her relatives and the individuals who upheld her.

“NB: I’m so glad for myself for pushing for just 26 min without epidural. Additionally appreciative for the help from my man, twinny, birthing specialist and doula. I nearly got deterred for needing regular birth, many said I was “fearless” I snickered coz I’m not,..I’M A WOMAN!!!!!”

Watch the previously mentioned video beneath: