Mzansi react to late Senzo Meyiwa’s documentary

Mzansi react to late Senzo Meyiwa’s documentary

Mzansi react to late Senzo Meyiwa’s documentary

Senzo Meyiwa’s life and murder were assembled in a Netflix doccie series which was debuted on the seventh of April.

The South African footballer kicked the bucket in 2014, and the killers are yet to be uncovered regardless of a few examinations.

Certain individuals who have seen the narrative have taken to Twitter to offer their viewpoint about the doccie-series.

“#SenzoMeyiwa Lies for this situation demonstrate somebody is being safeguarded! Everybody in the house ought to/should have one variant of occasions prompting the shooting of occasions. Longwe and the two Khumalo sisters have three distinct explanations which have changed in years. Capture them,” a tweep composed.